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Coltyn VonDeylen
1 min read
Music Theory for Singers - Clefs
Clefs are the symbols you see at the very beginning of a line of music. They are before the key signature and the time signature, but can...
Coltyn VonDeylen
2 min read
Music Theory for Singers - Time Signatures
Time signatures appear at the beginning of a song and stay until the time changes or until the end of the song. They're those two numbers...
Coltyn VonDeylen
2 min read
Music Theory For Singers - Key Signatures
Key signatures can look a little complicated, but they don't need to be. Whenever you see key signatures as in the example above, there...
Coltyn VonDeylen
2 min read
Advanced Singing Technique - Technology Determines Style
Vocal style is largely determined by technology and advancements in architecture and the like. Looking back over history, you'll notice...
Coltyn VonDeylen
3 min read
Advanced Singing Technique - Harmonic Function
Harmonic function is a fancy way of saying the purpose of each note in solfege. Its the reason we say Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do instead of...
Coltyn VonDeylen
2 min read
Music Theory for Singers - Nashville Number System
If you haven't read my posts on pop chord notation or roman numeral notation, I suggest you read those first before this one as I'm going...
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