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Coltyn VonDeylen
3 min read
Music Theory for Singers - Roman Numeral Notation
Roman Numeral Notation is a complicated looking approach to writing down the chords of a song. While not necessarily easy to play along...
Coltyn VonDeylen
3 min read
Music Theory for Singers - Pop Chord Notation
Chords can get extremely complicated. Some chords have the basic three notes or even only two while some can have more than seven. When...
Coltyn VonDeylen
2 min read
Music Theory for Singers - Solfege
First of all, what the heck is solfege. Its definitely not a common word. Solfege is a series of sounds we use to give names to sound...
Coltyn VonDeylen
2 min read
Music Theory for Singers - Note Names
The names for the notes in music as as seen above. They start on A and go through to G. After G it starts over again at A. This "starting...
Coltyn VonDeylen
3 min read
Music Theory for Singers - Chords
Chords are the building blocks of music. Scales are what the chords are made of, but even a atonal piece of music can be put into chords....
Coltyn VonDeylen
2 min read
Music Theory for Singers - Sharps and Flats
Sharps and flats are variations on a note. In the image you see a normal looking note with a symbol next to it. The top symbol looks like...
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