Coltyn VonDeylen1 min readAdvanced Singing Technique - Flow/Adding MovementAdding flow to a song, which can also be considered adding movement, is a multi level process. The general idea is to make the song...
Coltyn VonDeylen2 min readAdvanced Singing Technique - LegatoLegato is a fancy music term for playing/singing music smoothly and in a connected way. It would be the difference between something...
Coltyn VonDeylen2 min readAdvanced Singing Technique - Technology Determines StyleVocal style is largely determined by technology and advancements in architecture and the like. Looking back over history, you'll notice...
Coltyn VonDeylen3 min readAdvanced Singing Technique - Harmonic FunctionHarmonic function is a fancy way of saying the purpose of each note in solfege. Its the reason we say Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Do instead of...
Coltyn VonDeylen2 min readAdvanced Singing Techniques - Onsets and OffsetsI have onsets and offsets in the advanced singing category not because they are difficult to do correctly on their own, but because they...
Coltyn VonDeylen3 min readAdvanced Singing Technique - Singing in the MaskSinging in the mask is a weird way to describe this technique, but its the accepted terminology amongst singing teachers so I'll use it...